Star Dental Group

(909) 899-8757

Root Canal

Most of the time, tooth decay can be treated with a filling. However, sometimes the decay reaches a point deeper in your tooth. When this happens, a filling just won’t be enough. The decay threatens the very core of your tooth. To save it, you’ll need a root canal.

At Star Dental, we perform root canals to help remove tooth infections so we can save the affected teeth. Our dentists are experts at this procedure while keeping treatments comfortable for patients. We understand that the idea of getting a route canal can be stressful, but we strive to make every step comfortable.

As tooth infections are something many of us have experienced, our office has performed thousands of these procedures. Helping patients in Rancho Cucamonga avoid needing a tooth extraction.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canals are a dental treatment that rids bacteria from an infected tooth. Specifically, a root canal targets a tooth where the pulp has been infected.

The pulp is a vital bundle of nerves and blood vessels within every tooth. Think of it as the life source for your teeth. If it becomes infected, the tooth can die, and the infection can even spread to other teeth or your gums.

A root canal’s goal is to clear out the infected pulp and keep your tooth alive. By clearing the bacteria, it helps prevent reinfection and preserves the tooth. This saves it from decaying to a point where the tooth might need an extraction.

Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?

Teeth that are suffering from a tooth infection will need root canal treatment. Common signs that you have a tooth infection are:

  • Painful toothaches when chewing and eating food, pain with biting down
  • Pain sensitivity to hot and cold stimuli pain still present after the removal of stimuli.
  • Gum swelling and tenderness
  • Darkening and discoloration of the tooth
  • Abscess or pimple in gums


If any of the above symptoms or combinations are present, your tooth is infected. Root canal therapy will be needed to save your tooth from decay and extraction

Does The Treatment Hurt?

We understand this is a question on everyone’s mind. After all, root canals are probably the dental treatment that gets the worst rap. Many patients have an image of a painful procedure due to pop culture and media. However, this is far from the truth.

In fact, with modern pain management, root canals can be potentially painless. This is the fact that our dentists use a local anesthetic in the treatment areas. So if you’ve been hesitant about getting the procedure, there’s no need to be anxious and worried. If anything, a root canal will relieve you of your pain.

What's The Root Canal Treatment Process?

The root canal treatment is a multistep process. Procedures can be done by a general dentist or endodontist. If the root canal has a higher degree of difficulty, then our office will refer out to an endodontist. These dentists are specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp diseases. Steps in the root canal process include:

  1. Taking an X-ray first. This helps to see two important things. One is the shape of the canal. The second if there’s any signs of infection in the surrounding bone.
  2. Putting a rubber dam around the tooth to keep it dry and saliva free during treatment.
  3. Third is the drilling of the access hole into the tooth.
  4. After creating the access hole, comes the actual removal of pulp and bacteria.
  5. With the infected tissue gone, comes the tooth cleaning and sealing.

In the follow-up appointment, the tooth interior is filled. Afterward, the access hole is sealed.

If there’s severe tooth decay or weakness, further restoration is needed. This includes using a dental crown to protect the treated tooth.

What Are The Benefits Of Root Canal Treatment?

The number one benefit of getting a root canal is tooth preservation. By removing the infected tissue and filling the pulp, you’re preventing your tooth from weakening and eventually dying. Furthermore, once the infection claims the first tooth, it can move on to infect other parts of your mouth.

Another considerable benefit also is the elimination of pain symptoms. With the infection gone, there is no more sensitive gums and swelling. So immediate pain relief is another expected root canal benefit.

What Happens If I Delay Or Don't Get treatment?

Delaying the treatment of an infected tooth can lead to its loss. Besides feeling excruciating pain, a tooth infection causes tooth decay. This decay will gradually weaken the tooth. With a weak tooth, it can lead to a fracture when eating. This, in turn, will need you to get the tooth extracted. It costs you both time and money.

If your tooth pain suddenly stops, this might not be a sign the infection has gone away. Instead, it can just mean that it has fully killed all the nerves inside your tooth. Still come in for a visit to assess what your options are.

Contact Us

So if you’re currently feeling a severe toothache, call Star Dental Group. Our office, first and foremost, believes in preserving your teeth. Only when necessary do we recommend extraction. To avoid losing teeth, let the dentist in Rancho Cucamonga examine and see what the problem is. In many cases, a root canal will be the perfect solution for your pain relief.


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